The image of Berlusconi's smashed face, the newly gap-toothed shock with which he clung to the car door, knees buckling as he stared about him in wide-eyed bleeding terror and confusion, that image is burning itself into the minds of people around the world. A primal thrill is rippling through the collective psyche at the sight of one of their lordly rulers reduced to a quivering wreck. Many will make the connection that if this can be done to one of them, it can happen to others, too. Amongst that many there will be some few who decide to take a shot at whatever targets present themselves.
Make no mistake, this incident marks a tipping point.
There seem to be a lot of those recently. The unfolding Climategate debacle has now grown beyond the damning e-mails and rigged source code with which the long-anticipated Copenhagen conference was kicked off, to now include massive corruption in the flagship Danish carbon market, complimentary hookers for the elite to enjoy as they wipe foie gras off their chins and get chauffered around in fleets of carbon-belching limos, departing at top speed back to the swank hotels to escape from enraged brown delegates who got an early look at the racist and exploitative treaty they were to be prodded and tricked into signing. No doubt the limos are too fast, or the free blowjobs just too fantastic, for these compassionate statesmen to notice as they race past streets closed down so thousands of shackled protestors can be sat down in ordered rows in puddles of their own freezing piss while the anonymous storm troopers we used to call 'cops' patrol the ranks with tasers, clubs, pepper spray and snarling German shepherds, their armour no doubt doing more to protect them from the weather (itself, as ever, howling its disagreement with the whole notion of global warming) than from the non-violent men and women of conscience they're tasked with shutting the fuck up.
The world is taking a long and hard look at the proceedings in Copenhagen, and I have my doubts that it much likes what it sees. Climategate has swallowed the Copenhagen conference whole, and when the Warmistas return to countries in the grip of what will no doubt be a savage winter Climategate will eat their stillborn agenda, their reputations, and their careers.
It appears that the American establishment now openly accepts that Osama (rhymes with Obama) Bin Laden has been dead since Tora Bora. Hundreds of dead spec ops troops (and how many in the crossfire?), no doubt hundreds of millions of dollars, squandered to keep up the pretense of tracking down Rahm Emanuel ... I'm sorry, Emanuel Goldstein ... and all those tapes with which they periodically prodded their dumb American beast protective-territorial circuit ... all of that now more or less admitted to be a giant psy-op.
People are taking note.
The elite knew this was coming. They knew, past a certain point, that they wouldn't be able to keep the lid on all those secrets and crimes, that eventually the scuffling and moaning of the mutant they've been keeping in the attic would become impossible to explain away as mating raccoons. So they've been planning to let things out on their own schedule, have their trusted minions and pet mockingbirds release the shocking truth in that special way they have, so can weave their neurolinguistic hoodoo on your minds one last time.
That's why you've got Alex Jones with his megaphone, with his boiling bellyful of rage, his megaphone-ful of descriptive truth and prescriptive nonsense (same as Chomsky! But aimed at a different psychological type.) It's why you've got Jesse 'Muscles' Ventura moving into position, with an all-new show in which the fearless action star will investigate all the conspiracies on prime-time mainstream television. They throw larger-than-life figures like these up there to give it to you straight-ish: they're big and strong and loud and take no shit from anyone, which is not at all like you, little man, which is why they can do it and you can't. So just sit there on your couch and get helplessly scared and impotently mad as the Big Boys let you in on just how fucked you are.
The game-plan for the elite right now comes down to one thing: one great big almighty Ooga-Booga with the starring monster as no less than themselves. Done right, this will stun the mass mind into the learned helplessness of battered wife syndrome on a huge scale. The spirit of the human species will be broken so thouroughly that even if the elite raised their boots from their faces and opened the door to the electrified cages (neither of which they have any intention of doing) their slaves won't make a move to rise (unless explicitly ordered to.)
Our game-plan is rather simpler. The conspiracy movement as a whole has been plainly stating their case for a long time. History is now cooperating in showing the world, in unambiguous terms, that we've been more or less giving it as straight as it gets the whole time, in stark contrast to the dissembling leaders who (it's turning out) really have been guilty of more or less everything they're charged with and (we'll no doubt find) a whole lot more we didn't know about, too.
This unveiling is tramautic thing for most people. I know it was for me. It probably was for you too. This is going to be much faster, much more intense, a roller-coaster ride into Chapel Perilous that will smash a great number of souls. What we have to do now is guide the species through this trauma: to let them know that all is not lost, that we are merely awakening as a species from a terrible nightmare, and that it is possible to awaken inside a dream of breathtaking beauty. While the elite panic and the masses freak out, we must remain calm and alert, so that as the Leviathan smashes its world we might grab whatever opportunities present themselves.
Cops in Germany Are Raiding People’s Homes for Insulting Politicians
Via: Truthstream Media:
44 minutes ago
Great post :)
It appears the Apocalypse is on our minds in a big way. About time, its been a long time coming on.
What great writing - thanks. Yeah, some Dudley Do Right types were all aghast that some poor little old man had been beaten that way - this was in the US, a place where when I mention Berlusconi's name they think I am talking about spaghetti sauce. Couldn't have happened to a nicer man, and I am thinking about the G-7 conference a few years ago when I say that. For sure the cognoscenti are quailing in their boots, and for sure the vigilence is on now, in a way it wasn't before. The Rand Corporation released a report not long ago about the feasibility of unleashing the army on its own citizens to "maintain order". My, I wonder how that is going to go down.
How is it going to go down? By going to war with us, they will find they have gone to war with themselves.
I can see them not allowing the police to work in their own home towns so there won't be the mitigating circumstance of compassion - it's much easier to kick someone's head in if you can animalize the person. And there are enough people out there desperate for a job I think there wouldn't be a problem getting hirees. They certainly have the legislation in place, don't they? No, I can't see this being too problematic - the wild card is how and when people will respond. I am afraid, though, that we might be sitting ducks in the city.
The next six months or so will be pretty tense. Remember, though: cops are human too. Over the next few months a lot of things are going to be coming out.
A lot of minds are going to change.
Hearts will open.
Walls will come crashing down.
It's already happening....
Good stuff! These are exciting times.
The stage-managed nature of some aspects of this ongoing unveiling is a certainty. Like you say, it's all part of this bold new phase in their psychological war on humanity. But as long as there are those of us who know where we stand, and stand for Love and Truth with discernment and an unshakable faith in what is, none of these schemes will succeed where it really counts. And our numbers are growing, I see that on a personal level these days. It gives me hope.
Jones, you can keep your sermons of disempowerment (false empowerment, same thing). Ventura, you are being used. But even as I personally have little use for what you are doing, I love you both anyway. You're doing what you came here to do, to play your parts in this grand drama of The Revealing. It's up to each of us to have the same courage, to discover/decide our own role, and to play it.
I have many roles. One of them, I think, is to transcend the entire role-playing arena, or at least this level of it. Clock is ticking. Must... connect... with Spirit....
Here's a related story, dunno if you saw this already:
Are Americans a Broken People? Why We've Stopped Fighting Back Against the Forces of Oppression
You're a sucker on the "Climategate" bullshit. The ice on the North and South Poles is melting at an accelerating pace and the sea is rising. Ask the Inuit or Pacific Islanders who live close to the land and they will tell you that things have changed not just this year but over many years.
Sputter all you want but you're a sucker to Exxon and Anthony Watts the weather walrus and their corporate shill allies. They have billions upon billions to lose if oil production gets slowed down just a little. It's nothing to them to attack a few scientists making a mere $100K per year when midlevel Exxon execs make better than $500k per annum and the head honcho clears tens of millions.
Pangolin: you're a fool. A well-meaning fool perhaps but a fool nonetheless.
The financial giants stood to gain a great deal more in carbon derivatives than the oil companies ever stood to lose due to an oil slow-down (which are owned by these institutions, anyways.) The planned war on 'global warming' through choking every form of carbon emission would have been a war on life itself, to be conducted by the very same vampires who have been sucking you dry since before you knew your own name (which hasn't prevented other fools like you from getting it exactly backwards.)
Note I wrote that entire last paragraph in the past tense. Get a clue. They're waving the hoax right in front of your hypnotized eyes and laughing at you. Motive has been established for years now. Shifty behaviour (refusing to release data or source code, for instance), along with the objections of thousands (yes, thousands) of scientists. Now we have the means (the source code) and open admission of deliberate fraud (the e-mails). Yet you see none of this.
Who's the sucker, again?
"But, but, but, we have to save the planet!"
No shit. And we're going to do this by chasing phantoms at the behest of the same scumbag elite who have been fucking with us the whole time?
Wake up already.
The planet is a big ball of hot iron. It doesn't care what we think.
Humans, on the other hand, are fucked. We depend upon a regular climate for agriculture to work.
You get to believe what you want to believe. You can throw out all the data-sets you want and the ice is still going to melt and the ocean is going to turn into an acid bath fit only for jellyfish and slime molds. The glaciers that feed China and India are melting and the manure heap will hit the wind turbine when the two billion people with half the world manufacturing capacity get caught up in food riots.
Climate Change Deniers Are Not Skeptics - They're Suckers In ten or fifteen years you will be lying your denier ass off pretending that you weren't suckered by the Coal & Oil shills. I'm guessing a bit less.
Actually, I agree with you on one point. Carbon credit trading was, has been, and was always meant to be an ineffective scam meant to milk money out of people already reeling from the bleeding Wall Street has been giving them.
The only, and I mean ONLY, hope short of smacking the Earth with a handy asteroid is small farmers around the world using biochar to increase their crop yields. Like these guys in Camaroon growing their little plots of corn. Of course, you might say they were suckers too but they just want to grow enough to eat. It puts the carbon back in the ground and can double crop yields.
O_o You're a troll, or at least behaving as one. But oddly enough despite your uncouth bellowing you're mostly right. What was it exactly that set you off, I wonder? It seems we agree that the scheming opportunists now slinking away from the wreck of Copenhagen with their rat tails between their legs were not acting in anyone's interests but their own (and thus, against everyone's.)
Your point about soil enrichment is one I agree with wholeheartedly, as well. Topsoil depletion is a far more worrying problem than almost any other.
As to the changing climate, well, it is, that's obvious, and what's equally obvious is that we either adapt or die. Stopping it is not an option. Why you persist in believing in this superstition about carbon causing climate change is beyond me but that's almost moot, really, matched up against the things we seem to agree on.
Hence: why the shouting? And thus the diagnosis of Troll.
I actually think Belesconi is an arrogant fool who surrounded himself with so many yes-men and hookers that he started to believe people loved him and ignored his security team. That's the long and the short of that IMO. Most politicians of international caliber have a few stalkers who will do that kind of thing if they can get close enough.
The elite know that the people are increasingly pissed and they use shills like Alex Jones to keep the chumps in line. Alex Jones job is to get otherwise concerned and compassionate people chasing McGuffins and keep them away from real issues. There is always a tiny bit of meat in each issue he follows but then things are blown out of proportion.
Copenhagen was set up just in case there was a major disaster that would force TPTB to look attentive on AGW. It was intended to fail as the minute you realistically deal with either Global Warming and/or Peak Oil globalized corporate debt and shareholding is so much of a sad joke. Try and buy a bicycle made completely in the U.S.; impossible. Yet bicycle production should be a national security industry like weapons production. You can move an army on bikes with no fuel but rations. Try that with trucks.
With either Peak Oil or AGW production has to come home for everything but true luxuries. Just in time shipping on Panamax container ships is no longer viable. It can be cut off on short notice and the home economy tanks. That means no globalization, no union busting, no Cambodian made plumbing parts in pollution spewing plants. It means expensive labor and less money for the oligarchs.
You're so close.......
When Xmas is over I expect a full report on the implications of the "Pope tipping" incident.
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