Saturday, July 18, 2009

Lets All Sing the Doom Song!

Before reading the papers in the morning, I always like to start with a good laugh. I look at the funny pages first, and I find that sets the tone for an entertaining romp through the day's propaganda rather than an angry stomp through a world built of heinous crime and bald-faced lies. So I'll extend you the same courtesy here:

Behold the Doom Song.

I hope you watched it. Invader Zim was and remains my all-time favorite Nickoldeon cartoon. I would have loved to see the look on the programming director's face, who had to find a way to fit a cartoon by the dark genius Jhonen Vasquez - creator of such classics as Johnny the Homicidal Maniac - into the programming schedule of a network aimed at small children.

I started to digress there into a long-winded description of the cartoon's premise but caught myself in time (that should give you some idea, however, of how much I love this cartoon.) If you want to know more, you know how to use google and you will.

What I'm really here to talk about tonight is another doom song, the dirge sung by Alex Jones, for instance, though by no means exclusive to him. I myself sing the doom song quite often and, if you're reading this, I expect you do as well. Whether you're singing it because of ecological collapse and chaotic climate, because of wars and rumors of wars ... because you perceive the venal conspiracy that animates those wars, the collapsing economy and seemingly all else and has for longer than most are brave enough to admit, or because all those reasons, really because well (how shall I put this) they're all very much the case, the 'facts on the ground' as it were.

As it stands now the world is fucked, fucked from multiple directions like a teenage party favor at Bohemian Grove or fucked the way a bankrobber surrounded by a SWAT team is fucked. There's really no way around it, it's pretty much there and in your face if you're willing to notice it. In case no one's noticed there's writing all over the walls in pretty much every city you go to.

There aren't too many who haven't picked up on this by now. Most of the populace still drowns out the doom song with the various distractions available in the the proliferation of modern electronic entertainment but ... maybe it's just me but I don't see so many people wearing iPods these days. Not like you used to and, what does that mean? Surely all those iPods can't have broken? Or are they just sitting at home, on a shelf somewhere, a thin layer of dust collecting on its smooth, shiny surface?

Still, few have the courage to really sing the doom song to themselves, to start exploring it, every little nook and cranny, perceiving especially all the ways we've been lied to and even taught to lie to ourselves, about ... ourselves, and thus everything else. That's a lot of work to do, a lot to ask of someone psychologically and for a while, those few who do seem to go insane.

"What is this bullshit about the Rothschilds owning the Fed? 9/11 was an inside job? Bush eats babies, Al Gore is addicted to the adrenaline in the blood of terrified teenage boys and the Queen Mother is a meatsuit for a hyperdimensional reptilian intelligence that's been guiding civilization since it started? The hell are you on about? You off your meds or something?"

Yeah, that and something, man.

Still, in those early stages you're consumed by the doom song, feeling it in the fiber of your soul ... all those people, being set up to die ... all the horrors already unleashed, and all the horrors yet to come.... You can't help but spend most of your conversational time arcing back to the tone of, "Hey, by the way, are you aware of how truly fucked we are? No? Well let me fill you in on the details...."

But very few want to hear the details because they can hear the rumbling bassline of the doom song already and are still trying to drown out the melodies any way they can. They bury it below, an unacknowledged backdrop to their daily routine. I understand completely: I do the same myself, so as to function within wider society but ... still ... in my solitary moments, I sing the song to myself. The urge to bury, however, is really the worst and most dangerous thing to do, like running directly away from an ambush, and the deeper it's buried from one's momentary conscious perceptions, the more damage it does. There's an analogy with this of course of repressed personality traits or memories, for that is essentially what we're dealing with here. Most simply try to ignore it, while knowing it is there and for these, simple blindness will leave them open to further and worse predations. Others, however, bury the knowledge so deep that a dangerous sort of nihilism takes root, and they become themselves tools of predation.

Now, the thing about the doom song is, it's really all about fear. When you pause to take it all in, it's majestic and overwhelming finality is about the most terrifying thing one can imagine. No spy thriller exceeds it in suspense, no horror flick in raw fright, no army movie in gore and, if certain prophecies are on time, no sci fi movie in sheer spectacle. The more you refuse to hear the song, the deeper you have to bury it, and as a result the more raw terror it will evoke within the brain.

Fear is the mindkiller. Never forget that.

So what do we have? A huge population with their minds so fried by fear that unwilling or no, they are quite compliant as slaves. That's been the case to greater or lesser (and usually greater) degree throughout much of history, sure, but ... these days aren't most of history, are they?

You've also got a small population that's started to sing along with the doomsong, researching it's several overlapping themes for themselves through the internet. They tend to be quite animated by what they've found, often consumed by it (and thus looked upon officially and publicly as 'crazy') but an often astonishing feature is that they don't seem to be quite as fear-struck as you might expect. Rather, it seems that they've one way or another overcome that initial dread at the song's grim opening notes and plunged right in.

Then you've got a much smaller population, what you might really call the core population of the Awakening: those who have reasoned out (or intuited, for many) the full spectrum of what's going on and have lost their fear entirely. Amongst this cohort the awareness of how thin the facade of power is very keen, as is the knowledge (or is that faith) that creative solutions make this upcoming transition eminently survivable. Not that survival's really the point, mind: this group tends most often to have a dominant spiritual aspect, with an understanding that 'death' is an illusion. And anyway, mere survival is so boring. Much more interesting will be the creation of a society where the human being can thrive as never before thrive as a being, not a human doing, free and encouraged to develop all their faculties as far as they may in whatever directions their inclinations take them. A society in which the world is both garden and school, a kingergarten in which human beings are seen for what they are: the larval forms of light beings.

The creation of that society, of that world, of that future ... that, I think it's fair to say, is widely acknowledged (within this very small group I'm talking of here) as being the point.

So, let's say it's some time ago, and you're one of the very, very few who's had the brass cojones big enough to tackle the doom song and come out the other end: seeing the gathering evil for what it is, and knowing how to stop it.

What do you do? Sure, you know that infinite love is the only truth and that God has things well in hand, but God's also working through you and she expects you to do you work in the world you're in.

Well, obviously one of the critical tasks to perform is to get the message out to as many people as possible. There's a certain critical threshold necessary for a full-scale Awakening to allow humanity to successfully navigate the rapids ahead and boy, are we ever a long way away from that now. And ten, twenty, a hundred years ago? Much further still.

So, how do you start reaching people? What do you say to them? 'God loves you'? 'You and god are one?' 'Do the right thing?'

Erm, no.

That won't work.

Fear is the mindkiller, remember? And these people are afraid, very thoroughly and down to very pit of their engorged junk-food laden stomaches in the grip of fear. They are in a powerfully negative state, as a result of which they respond to only one thing: fear. An appeal to their higher, better natures will be completely lost on them.

So, the only thing to do is to go for that fear, to accentuate it and draw attention to it, to proclaim it as loudly as possible. They'll have to notice, one way or another, and some few might even respond to the message that's being communicated through it: don't trust what you've been told, research for yourself and make up your own mind what and whom to believe.

Every single one of those who responds in such a fashion will inevitably find themselves hooked on the doom song, led by it as though by a lure through the whole thorny maze that is the modern reality tunnel until - with a near solid certainty - coming out the other end, a changed being, a new member of the Awakening.

Now, it might be the same person can tell you the truth about the darker side of things and then spend a few moments chatting about more positive polarities of the situation. I try to maintain this balance as much as possible but then, I'm speaking to a small and some might say elect audience, not shouting myself hoarse addressing the masses. The fact is, there are so many people who are still lost in their own fear, so many yet still to try and wake up, that doing so becomes of necessity a team effort, with all the division of labor that implies. Some of us can spend all their time talking to others within the Awakening, discussing the particulars of how we're going to wiggle through this train wreck; others, however, must devote themselves on a fulltime basis to the often thankless job of trying to wake people up.

I'm going to spring a little trap on you, though no doubt some will have seen this coming. Let's take the case of one Alex Jones, radio host of his four hour talkshow on the Genesis Communications Network, and documentary film-maker with several feature-length pieces of, essentially, investigative conspiracy journalism. Alex is big, fat, loud, and can most often be heard cutting his many guests off with an apoplectic five minute rant about the New World Order.

Now, Alex gets a lot of flack. There's the obvious name-calling from the corporate media ('crank', 'conspiracy theorist' and other predictable duckspeak), the hassles from officaldom and the like. But also within the Awakening, he's often held in great disdain. Usually this comes down to disapproval of his overbearing emphasis on the negative (this if the speaker is one who comes from more of a 'new age' than a 'conspiracy theorist' angle) or also (for those who came from the conspiracy angle), that he's a New World Order plant, project Mockingbird-style controlled opposition straight out of the Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion, with a vicious hidden agenda that has yet to be unveiled. Oh, yes, and he doesn't like to say 'the Jews did it', so he may be a crypto-Jew as well. Or is it that he's an ignorant backwoods Texas Christian full of bile and hate for any other religion?

So, let me get my head around this one: a guy who spends all his time trying to tell people what he knows about the New World Order, exposing as many secrets as he can, is secretly working for them?

Wow. That's ornate. I'm a conspiracy theorist, and I of all people am going to invoke Occam's Razor on this one.

You know why I don't think he likes to talk about Jews? Because he knows 99% of the audience has been wired since Birth to respond to any variation on 'Jew=Bad(?)' with a hearty yell of 'ANTISEMITE!!!' and a reach for the antifascist pitchforks. So instead he talks about the Rothschilds and treats not at all the subject of their 'Jewishness', knowing full well that it's just a cover anyway, that in all likelihood they are blood-drinking fear-eating reptoids from another dimension, and that most of the Jewish people as such are innocent (if more deeply brainwashed than most.)

Alex keeps the message strongly negative for one reason: to reach as many people as possible. He knows fear is the only way to reach them and so he absolutely lavishes them with it and that's why there's millions of people listening to his radio program, watching his movies and linking stories in his websites. You might see this as exploitative and certainly he brings in some money, but ... he needs the infrastructure to build that big podium and that giant megaphone of his. Only way to get it is with money and so, money must be made.

Does everyone who encounters Alex' message respond by really looking at things for themselves, opening their eyes to the world and their hearts to the doom song? No, of course not. Now as always it's only a few who start down that path.

But it's far more than might have, otherwise, had Alex or someone like him not set about building that megaphone and stood up to start shouting with it.

Why in the hell would the NWO set up an agent to tell people most of their dirtiest secrets? Well, not 'all' so maybe to hide the very worst by omission? Sure, why not. But then why let him keep hammering at the message, 'investigate for yourselves, don't take anyone's word for it, don't take mine, get out there and look it up! Make up your own mind! Change your reality!'

Isn't that the whole message that got everyone here started on whatever weird path it was that took them here? That message alone carries within it the seeds of the Illuminati's destruction.

You want a shill? Glenn Beck. That man is a shill. He tells the audience some things that are, in fact, true, some of the same information Alex covers but then, somehow, somewhere along the way he finds himself advocating the very same policies that (logically) he would be against. And you'll never catch Glenn Beck telling people 'Question your reality'.

Alex Jones is a hero. He's doing a dirty job that no one else much wants to do, and he's doing it for the sole reason that maybe, if enough people really wake up, humanity can pull through this and come out the better for it on the other side. It's only inevitable, and certainly understandable, given the skepticism he advocates, that some large fraction of those he wakes up condemn him for being what he professes to have set himself against. But it's by no means admirable. Alex deserves a certain degree of honor and respect for what he's done, what he continues to do and I have no doubt will continue to do until either enough people wake up, or They eventually put a bullet through his head.

Whichever comes first, and it would do us good to remember that this now applies to us all. As a certain famous Satanist once said, "We must all hang together or we shall surely all hang separately."

I'm not saying to listen to Alex. I don't, not anymore, not as a regular thing. For most of you listening to The Alex Jones Show is like a math PhD sitting through a remedial math course. The intentional abrasiveness is jarring, too. It's unnecessary and unpleasant, so: don't.

But don't ridicule the teacher of that course when he's walking down campus, just because you're studying - or even teaching - at a more advanced level. It's uncouth, it's uncalled for and for the sake of all that's holy, we're on the same flipping team and (in case you hadn't noticed) massively outnumbered.

I could go on but I won't. I've certainly said my piece and below, you're welcome to say yours.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Hidden in the Needle

Let's talk for a moment about vaccines.

I'm sure it hasn't escaped your attention that they're not always everything they're advertised to be. Often they're not even that, and even when they are they seem to often come with quite a bit more than you're told about. There are cases off mass forced sterilizations in the third world, possible instances of cancer viruses, and then of course various toxins that seem to be combining to play a large role in the massive spike in autism amongst other conditions. Look at the first link and right at the top there's a quote by Bertrand Russell, and you realize that some brilliant minds (and few have shone brighter than Russell's) have been planning to use injections for purposes quite different from defending frail little you against infectious disease for some time now, though of course they couldn't tell you that and so, a pattern emerges.

Now, in the current temporal expression of that pattern, what do we see? Well, there's a 60 Minutes piece on the Swine Flu epidemic that you can watch. It's from 1976 of course, and it's not so much that they've been remarkably prescient - predicting an event yet 33 years in the future (33?) - as that this whole thing has come around before. Of course, those infected were all in the vicinity of a military base, only one of whom died, so 'epidemic' was perhaps too strong a term but it wasn't too strong for the media at the time, which convinced everyone to go out and get their swine flu shot. Three hundred died - that's three hundred times the number that succumbed to the terrible plague - and several thousand sued the government for resultant illness, so in this instance of the medical history of vaccinations you'll forgive me for suggesting the cure was far worse than the disease. And, the more paranoid might suggest, that may have been exactly the point. 60 minutes wasn't that paranoid of course but nevertheless the episode aired once, was banned and only surfaced again in 1995.

So, here we find ourselves now, with another swine flu decimating the population and advanced countries all over the world gearing up to start sticking people with needles to guard against it. This time they're not just going to bombard us with propaganda in order to talk us into rolling up a sleeve, oh no, this time around, governments keep saying, they're going to be giving everyone the shot and the implication would be, whether you like it or not.

Let's go back to that list of adulterants (or primary payloads, depending on how you look at it): live viruses, carcinogenic agents, and various engineered toxins designed to evoke a certain 'side'-effect. All these have been around for quite a while, but technology has moved on in the meantime and so to this list we might wonder if we shouldn't add other categories such as truly microscopic RFID microchips for purposes of tracking. The design would be simple enough, a chip small enough to move through the bloodstream, embedding itself in tissue along they way all over the body, including of course, in the vicinity of the brain. Tracking is one of the least scary possibilities: imagine for a moment what they could do if they could access a network of chips throughout the body, which in response to outside signals would emit localized pulsations of EM energy that (as a 'side'-effect) could easily be configured to stimulate nerve cells and thus influence the state of the connected nervous system, in effect making the subject a 'receiver' for signals sent out over everything from HAARP to cell phone towers to wifi. In all probability, the overall effect would be beneath conscious perception, but with a fine-grained control of a subject's neurophysical state might come control of the emotional and psychological state. The subject would essentially come under mechanical control from an outside manipulator, and while an individual might be able to resist its effects had they both knowledge of it and great inner discipline, en masse it would make society more completely the play thing of the that invisible fucking Eye than ever before.

I don't know for sure if the next round of vaccinations is being prepared with such weapons. It might be that some shots will have it and some be without, or that different batches will be loaded with different payloadss: death for some, crippling illness for many, and mass enslavement for all. Ah, but we'll have been immunized against swine flu, mass death by pandemic averted again thanks to Modern Medicine, Inc.! Whoopedee flippin do.

Now, how are they going to go about giving all these shots to so many people? At one point or another, they're going to be gathering large numbers of people together at once to be given their shot, because on this sort of scale just waiting for people to come into the clinic on their own won't cut it. At the extreme end, they could use the military, going to house-to-house to round up stragglers. In the event of a food-shortage (or simply a money shortage) they might make a place in the breadline available only if you get your shot. As much as possible, though, by far the best way to go would be to simply have a medical team attend large assemblies where, for whatever reason, people are gathering anyways.

Recently I found out that at the beginning of the school year, I will be attending an all-student's assemply in order to get my student card. For this I'm supposed to send in a picture weeks ahead of time, which I find amusing as at U of T, several years ago, they simply took our picture and handed us our cards. So, if Canada is going the mandatory vaccination route - and the government has announced this, however quietly - that may well be where I'm presented with it. "Want your student card? Give us your arm first."

Whether or not or if or when I'm presented with that choice, my answer will be a simple "You'll have to put a gun to my head first." The answer will be the same regardless of the circumstances in which the order it responds to is given.

And it might come to that. It really might.

But it's important to remember that an order is really a question, "Will you do what I say?" and how you respond is up to you, not to whoever gives it. And for me, if it's a choice between being injected with a potentially lethal, potentially crippling, or potentially subtly enslaving cocktail of I-don't-know-what (and-neither-does-the-nurse-giving-it) then I'd rather let them pull the trigger on the gun they'll have to put to my head, than accede.

The consequences for me are simple: I escape the shot, one way or another, and what is contained within it. Maybe only me and a few others do so in which case, hey, enjoy your doomed and dreary little prison world, there's a whole universe out there packed with worlds that'll be much more fun to incarnate in, I'm sure. Whether the particular planet we call Earth escapes this fate really comes down to how many people answer, each in their own way., in the negative. If enough refuse, the plot will fail. It really is that simple.

If you do, you won't be alone. You'll have comrades worldwide, engaged in the struggle against vaccines: Jane Burgermeister, an Austrian journalist who's filing suit against every individual, organization and influence involved, alleging attempted bioterrorism; Quebec doctor Ghislaine Lanctôt, who sacrificed her medical license by raising her voice after the 1976 debacle; or the Czech lab techs who raised the alarm about Baxter's live virus flu vaccine. There are voices everywhere raising the alarm against this plan, but if in the end their warning is not heeded their efforts will have been in vain. No doubt it will, for many, but it needn't be for all. Already you can read a storm of commentary across the web, "Mandatory vaccination? Sorry, no, not happening."

This is just a single thread in a plan that has been thousands of years coming to fruition, a single element of a complex and multilayed struggle that has continued back to the furthest, murkiest depths of the human past. It's role is a key one, and to whatever degree its progress can be retarded, the overall goal to which the plan is directed will be that much less likely to manifest.

The situation might look daunting now, and there is no doubt that the going will get rough indeed but time is of the essence, and not just for those of us who wish to stop the plan but for those carrying it out, as well. There is a window of opportunity coming up over the next couple of years, during which they have to get all the elements of their global autocratic technosphere nightmare world in place. If it's not up and running by the time that window closes, it will collapse, what they've erected will collapse on top of them and history will dance on their ruins.

For us, on the contrary, the window is a much more congenial environment. Chaotic, yes, a trying and difficult time, but with great opportunity for creative solutions to novel problems. The reservoir of latent inspiration is becoming greater than ever before in recorded history. Those tapping into it, will ride a wave of creativity that will flow through the obstructions erected by the would-be lords of humanity and carry them laughing to heights previously unimaginable. As the window closes, that wave will quite naturally rise to a great height and there, many are suggesting, it shall stay for the nature of this window is that as it closes, it in a sense will freeze whatever state closes it into the Earth's physical environs for a very great period of time. Prison-world or paradise, it will be one of the two, and regardless of what you might have been told, over and over throughout your life, which of the two it becomes really is up to little old you.

Monday, July 6, 2009

Infowar Tactics: Copyright Laws to Hamstring Bloggers

So it appears that the idea of banning content-linking without explicit permission - ie a pay-to-link regulation - may be in the works and is this any surprise? What with Internet 2 on the way, a nice brightly coloured (fire)walled garden for our minds ... what with the old, lying mainstream media wheezing and shouting its way into senility ... what with what seems to be an expontentially growing number of abruptly awakening minds ... is it really any surprise that such a law would be talked about?

I'm sure they're not quite ready for that, yet. It will take time to draft the legislation ... to hire the lawyers ... to write the press releases and the make the propaganda. How long we have until the idea becomes a 'law', I don't know. Months, if they move fast. Perhaps a year or two if they dawdle.

It's all for naught, of course. This will blow up in their faces, like all censorship laws. The idea of course will be to strangle the blogs into submission by cutting off their access to news'paper' content, the idea being that this free access is the oxygen feeding the flames. The truth, of course ... well, the truth is that it's all about the truth. It's about certain people who want it, and others who fear it, and for those who want the truth, well, one way or another they find their ways to those who tell it.

What seems to escape the elite - or at least blowhards like Posner - is that most of the time we only link to MSM content to point out and laugh at its lies. That's it. The rest of it we generate on our own, in our spare time, for free and for the love of it. Like the kid in the back of the class cracking jokes when the teacher's not looking ... only now the class is starting to laugh so hard, we don't care so much that she knows it's us. And in this case the teacher's really screwed, because the sad fact is he's been faking his way through the course, and the class clown? He's also the smartest one there, in fact, the only one in the room who really knows the material. He's laughing because he's bored, but he's also getting the class' attention and some of them are really starting to listen to what he has to say.

Ourt victory is assured, but that doesn't mean the infowar is over. Until it is, a tactic occurs that could handily pre-empt their little legislative strangulation attempt. At the bottom of the sidebar you'll come across a Copyleft Notice:

I'd just like to put everyone on notice that - in the event of a ban on linking without permission - I hereby extend permission freely and without reservation to any website, blogger, vlogger or other media organization that extends the same permission, to myself or to others, to link to their content for no monetary charge. In the event that permission is not explicitly stated, any attempt at using copyright law to prevent myself or others linking to content will be construed as absence of permission, in which case copyright applies and if you want to link to my work, it will cost you, and no, it will not be cheap.

(I really hate writing legalese, which is why I'm a blogger and not a corporate lawyer. Events, however, seem to be forcing that upon me and yes, I resent that. So this is my little 'fuck you' to the mainstream media. When you're all paying each other for your lies and we're spreading the truth for free, well, we'll see who outlasts who.)

If enough people post something similar on their websites, we'll be in the free and clear to link to each other no matter what the law says while at the same time denying any of our own copy to the mainstream media. With time, as the talent and the eyeballs increasingly come our way (and they will) this will really start to take its toll.

So, cut us off from your content if you wish. We'll just make our own. It will blow yours out of the water, and you will come crawling back to apologize. But by then, we'll have forgotten you even existed.