Sunday, March 29, 2009

The Real Revolution

There comes a time in any creeping fascist takeover where the masses, long lulled into slumber with songs of sex and fear, begin to get restive. The shackles start to chafe, the chains become heavier, the lash of the whip stings a little more each time and at some point, dull eyes start to stir and shouts of anger start to resound throughout the mob.

And what a very large mob it is. Chains or no, should the slaves awaken en masse they would crush their masters like so many bugs. The slave-masters are not stupid. They know this moment must come, that, at some point, their oppression must become so severe that they will rebel. And so, they plan. For the most part their plans are ways of putting down revolts and putting out insurrections, and they have at their disposal a vast - and very expensive - arsenal of tools with which to do so. It's large enough that I don't need to go into it in any detail, for if you cannot bring to mind a hundred such yourself you've obviously been paying so little attention these past several years as to qualify for clinical brain-death.

However, there comes a time when all the tools at your disposal are of no use in putting out the fires.

But don't despair, because there's a plan for that too. If you cannot extinguish the fire, perhaps its time to switch metaphors and think about channeling a river swelling with an ongoing deluge. The large, dumb herd are, after all, still easily controlled, not because its members are individually stupid but because they have not had time to really take a good look around them. They're panicked and bleary-eyed, and, unused to ordering their own lives, still looking for someone, anyone, to tell them what to do.

It's happened in every revolution throughout history. The people's rage grows too great, and they revolt ... but since they're not paying attention to the direction of their rage, they inevitably succeed in little more but clearing away those last few pathetic bastions of protection they had left and, when the energy is expended and the water, as it were, once more returned to the sea, they find their servitude infinitely worse.

That's the pattern, you see, an archetypal tragedy that repeats itself throughout history. You can look on it as a test that will be admistered to humanity until humanity passes it. We only get one more try at it or we flunk the semester entirely, so, we'd best get it right this time.

Well. All the pieces are in place, aren't they? The intelligent, handsome, young and charismatic leader is in place, with his legions of devoted fans who will do absolutely anything he says without ever pausing to reflect on what, precisely, he is saying. I'm sure it hasn't escaped your attention that Fox News has been dropping hints of rioting in the streets, with notables such as Glen Beck even beginning to mutter darkly about revolt.

It's a word that's getting tossed about a lot, these days, but as I've been trying to emphasize throughout in this little essay it's very important to pay close attention to who's using it, and if they're not (shall we say) a trustworthy sort maybe you'd best have a close listen to all the words they throw in to fill up the space between 'revolution'.

And that brings me to this.

This is such a transparent attempt to do what I've just been talking about I'm almost embarrased to go into the details because it will feel like I'm insulting your intelligence. But what the heck, I'll proceed just for the sheer fun of ripping into it, and we'll just hope it's a fun ride.

So first we have the Founding Father getup, together with the props and the Constitution in the background. Really fantastic production values for a youtube video, too, aren't they? And so very appropriate, given the audience they're trying to manipulate, triggering archetypes that resound strongly within the imaginations of, I think it's fair to say, a fair number of the people who are seething mad at what's been done to their country these last few years (or is it only these past few weeks? Everyone wakes up at a different pace, you know.)

He talks a lot about illegal immigrants stealing tax-paying Americans' entitlements and foreigners stealing hardworking Americans' jobs, and sure, these are terrible things but ... those are about the only grievances he really addresses. Not exactly appealing to our better natures, is he?

On the strength of this, he then goes on to call for a three million man march on Washington, one that will close down the government, sweep in, and what was it? Oh yes, "Throw out of office every congressman and woman who didn't bother to read the biggest spending bill in history before voting for it." And how many of those congresscritters are left in office then, hmm? How long until elections?


Still, so far you might still be able to cut the guy some slack. I mean, I'm no fan of Congress, and would in truth not be displeased to see it unseated in a popular uprising (well, I'm a Canadian so it's not directly treasonous of me to say that but let me add that I extend this low opinion to most every legislative body on the planet.) The question, of course, it's not so much the desiribility of eliminating the one but what, precisely, is to come after it and it is at this point that, beside our would-be anonymous Founding Father, the talking-point BRING BACK UNIVERSAL SERVICE. "Ask not what your country can do for you..." appears and we all know whose platform that is.

Fancy you'll look good in a uniform? I hear there's positions in the work brigades. Just get on the bus with the soldiers and they'll take you out to the camp. Word is you get a whole five hundred calories a day. Oh, did we mention one way or another, you've gotta fulfil the new universal service requirment?


Have I completely skewered the credibility of this evil clown for you yet? Because if you haven't noticed that is the intent of this little commentary. I want that credibility torn to shreds, its stinking corpse tossed on the growing mountain of the mainstream corprorate media, just one more casualty of the infowar. But make no mistake, a more pernicious one than most.

He's already done some damage. His Stimulus Package has been up a week and it's gotten a million views, and while I'm sure a lot of those viewers thought exactly the same thing I did when they saw it I'm sure there were a few who didn't, who just weren't awake enough to notice and are thinking, hey, yeah, maybe that's a good idea....

And a couple of months down the line, when the temperatures and tempers are both running hot, and this poison pill of a video gets out to ten million rather than one, well....

I'm sure you see where this is going.

That's why I want this thing dead. I'm sure I'm not the only one who sees this, and if others are writing the same thing I am now than good. Let a hue and cry be raised that gets heard by every single person who's seen this video, so that rather than the seed of a new failed revolution it becomes just one more ruined plot, an interesting footnote of internet history that we'll look back on, four years from now, and chuckle over, as just one more example of our oppressor's grand foolishness.

I'll confess I have yet to watch the whole video. Lazy of me, I know, but then this creep was giving me an awful feeling right from the moment I laid eyes on him. Reflecting on why, precisely, I was experiencing this strong, instinctive and visceral hostility didn't take very long, though. Pretty much up to the point that the 'universal service' part arrives, at which point I decided to make it my personal mission to crush this bug.

However, in the interests of completeness, I shall go and finish it now, and if you have not yet done so feel free to do the same.


Great. Though I confess I have very little to add. Oh, he talks about not starting wars you're not willing to finish (thus priming the pump for a truly bullheaded attempt to force the world's hands through arms) . Talks a lot about the military in fact, a lot of very militaristic messages including the penultimate admonition to go out and get a gun. But then, we already knew that was the sort of thing this sick fascist plant is about, don't we? Greed and violence, it's how they rule, after all, so those are the buttons they're trying to push.

Well, I've said my piece here. At this point you either agree with me or you don't but if you do, you no doubt want to crush this thing as badly as I do. So if you see this video get linked at another blog, link this essay, too. Or write your own denunciation (I'm sure you could find dozens of things to go after that I've left untouched), post it in the comments section of another blog or make it a blog-post yourself. Make video responses that expose this thing, tell your friends and family, get into the comment strings on youtube of anyone who's got this up as a favorite, do whatever it is you do or can do and if we all shout this thing down loudly enough, we might just be able to neutralize it. Sure, that's a lot of effort and maybe it seems silly to get worked up over a silly youtube video but ... I like silly. I'd prefer it stayed that way. And if we all just keep on laughing at it, it will.

That, my friends, is how the real Second Revolution will proceed. This is just one battle amongst many, but it's one we can win.

Note: yeah, yeah, I know, you already read this. I wanted to republish so the URL wouldn't be a dead giveaway. Live 'n' learn....

Friday, March 27, 2009

Behold, There is a Stranger in Our Midst

It appears I was too hasty in referring to our would-be Thomas Paine as anonymous, a mistake for which I can only plead the haste of the moment for making. His name is It appears his biography is only too public, as we learn in this article that he was both a former news director for NBC (mm hmm) and is a visiting Communications prof at UCLA. So, now that we know that, then, we can all trust this man, yeah?

Right. A news director at a major corporate network. Award-winning, no less (you really should click through). This is a man who has played the game of manipulating your mind and played it better than most, and you know and I know that he knew exactly what he was doing. And now he's back for the greatest performance of his career.

He's already gone to the White House to talk to Obama. Very revolutionary of him, don't you think. No word yet on what they talked about, of course, though I'm sure Basso gave the president an earful, just like he castigated the legislators for passing the spending bill. No doubt he saved it all up just for Obama, because in the video he was conspicuously silent on the man under whose auspices the bill was rushed through, so ... make of that what you will.

He's getting radio interviews already, on a show with 3 million listeners. Doesn't this strike you as a particularly meteoric ascent into the public eye for the previously unknown creator of a short youtube video? Especially given the subject matter, because maybe I've been missing something, but I've got the distinct impression that radio and television have generally been at pains to conspicuously ignore those voices calling for a revolution.

Well. Maybe he just got lucky.

Wake up, America. You are literally one step away from an irreversible plunge into a full-on fascist state, and you know it and you're scared, I know - believe me, I know and I understand - but if you follow this asshole he'll push you right off the edge and laugh all the way to the bank where, I hear, he just deposited forty silver Liberty Dollars. Of course they don't make Liberty Dollars anymore but you knew that, didn't you?

This guy has to be stopped. I cannot be the only one who sees how dangerous this man is. This is my second rant aimed squarely at his sweaty and apoplectic brow in two days, and anyone who knows me knows I've never done this before. Let that if nothing else be an indicator of how strongly my spidey sense is tingling right now, and please, if your intuition is telling you anything even remotely resembling what mine's telling me then for the love of god listen to it. Raise your voice, before the roar of the mob drowns you out. Do not let this man go unchallenged.

"Behold, there is a stranger in our midst, come to destroy us...."

Anyone who's interested in giving Mr. 'Paine' a piece of your mind, can find an easy way to contact him at his personal website right here. Now I could give you a form letter or something to drop into his inbox, but really, where's the fun in that? I fully encourage you to use your own creativity and, of course, judgment in deciding what to tell him yourself. It needn't be much. A simple, 'we're on to you' will do handily. Not that it will wake anyone up, but it might just trouble his sleep tonight and he deserves, at the very least, that much.

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Tom Paine is a Psyop

There comes a time in any creeping fascist takeover where the masses, long lulled into slumber with songs of sex and fear, begin to get restive. The shackles start to chafe, the chains become heavier, the lash of the whip stings a little more each time and at some point, dull eyes start to stir and shouts of anger start to resound throughout the mob.

And what a very large mob it is. Chains or no, should the slaves awaken en masse they would crush their masters like so many bugs. The slave-masters are not stupid. They know this moment must come, that, at some point, their oppression must become so severe that they will rebel. And so, they plan. For the most part their plans are ways of putting down revolts and putting out insurrections, and they have at their disposal a vast - and very expensive - arsenal of tools with which to do so. It's large enough that I don't need to go into it in any detail, for if you cannot bring to mind a hundred such yourself you've obviously been paying so little attention these past several years as to qualify for clinical brain-death.

However, there comes a time when all the tools at your disposal are of no use in putting out the fires.

But don't despair, because there's a plan for that too. If you cannot extinguish the fire, perhaps its time to switch metaphors and think about channeling a river swelling with an ongoing deluge. The large, dumb herd are, after all, still easily controlled, not because its members are individually stupid but because they have not had time to really take a good look around them. They're panicked and bleary-eyed, and, unused to ordering their own lives, still looking for someone, anyone, to tell them what to do.

It's happened in every revolution throughout history. The people's rage grows too great, and they revolt ... but since they're not paying attention to the direction of their rage, they inevitably succeed in little more but clearing away those last few pathetic bastions of protection they had left and, when the energy is expended and the water, as it were, once more returned to the sea, they find their servitude infinitely worse.

That's the pattern, you see, an archetypal tragedy that repeats itself throughout history. You can look on it as a test that will be admistered to humanity until humanity passes it. We only get one more try at it or we flunk the semester entirely, so, we'd best get it right this time.

Well. All the pieces are in place, aren't they? The intelligent, handsome, young and charismatic leader is in place, with his legions of devoted fans who will do absolutely anything he says without ever pausing to reflect on what, precisely, he is saying. I'm sure it hasn't escaped your attention that Fox News has been dropping hints of rioting in the streets, with notables such as Glen Beck even beginning to mutter darkly about revolt.

It's a word that's getting tossed about a lot, these days, but as I've been trying to emphasize throughout in this little essay it's very important to pay close attention to who's using it, and if they're not (shall we say) a trustworthy sort maybe you'd best have a close listen to all the words they throw in to fill up the space between 'revolution'.

And that brings me to this.

This is such a transparent attempt to do what I've just been talking about I'm almost embarrased to go into the details because it will feel like I'm insulting your intelligence. But what the heck, I'll proceed just for the sheer fun of ripping into it, and we'll just hope it's a fun ride.

So first we have the Founding Father getup, together with the props and the Constitution in the background. Really fantastic production values for a youtube video, too, aren't they? And so very appropriate, given the audience they're trying to manipulate, triggering archetypes that resound strongly within the imaginations of, I think it's fair to say, a fair number of the people who are seething mad at what's been done to their country these last few years (or is it only these past few weeks? Everyone wakes up at a different pace, you know.)

He talks a lot about illegal immigrants stealing tax-paying Americans' entitlements and foreigners stealing hardworking Americans' jobs, and sure, these are terrible things but ... those are about the only grievances he really addresses. Not exactly appealing to our better natures, is he?

On the strength of this, he then goes on to call for a three million man march on Washington, one that will close down the government, sweep in, and what was it? Oh yes, "Throw out of office every congressman and woman who didn't bother to read the biggest spending bill in history before voting for it." And how many of those congresscritters are left in office then, hmm? How long until elections?


Still, so far you might still be able to cut the guy some slack. I mean, I'm no fan of Congress, and would in truth not be displeased to see it unseated in a popular uprising (well, I'm a Canadian so it's not directly treasonous of me to say that but let me add that I extend this low opinion to most every legislative body on the planet.) The question, of course, it's not so much the desiribility of eliminating the one but what, precisely, is to come after it and it is at this point that, beside our would-be anonymous Founding Father, the talking-point BRING BACK UNIVERSAL SERVICE. "Ask not what your country can do for you..." appears and we all know whose platform that is.

Fancy you'll look good in a uniform? I hear there's positions in the work brigades. Just get on the bus with the soldiers and they'll take you out to the camp. Word is you get a whole five hundred calories a day. Oh, did we mention one way or another, you've gotta fulfil the new universal service requirment?


Have I completely skewered the credibility of this evil clown for you yet? Because if you haven't noticed that is the intent of this little commentary. I want that credibility torn to shreds, its stinking corpse tossed on the growing mountain of the mainstream corprorate media, just one more casualty of the infowar. But make no mistake, a more pernicious one than most.

He's already done some damage. His Stimulus Package has been up a week and it's gotten a million views, and while I'm sure a lot of those viewers thought exactly the same thing I did when they saw it I'm sure there were a few who didn't, who just weren't awake enough to notice and are thinking, hey, yeah, maybe that's a good idea....

And a couple of months down the line, when the temperatures and tempers are both running hot, and this poison pill of a video gets out to ten million rather than one, well....

I'm sure you see where this is going.

That's why I want this thing dead. I'm sure I'm not the only one who sees this, and if others are writing the same thing I am now than good. Let a hue and cry be raised that gets heard by every single person who's seen this video, so that rather than the seed of a new failed revolution it becomes just one more ruined plot, an interesting footnote of internet history that we'll look back on, four years from now, and chuckle over, as just one more example of our oppressor's grand foolishness.

I'll confess I have yet to watch the whole video. Lazy of me, I know, but then this creep was giving me an awful feeling right from the moment I laid eyes on him. Reflecting on why, precisely, I was experiencing this strong, instinctive and visceral hostility didn't take very long, though. Pretty much up to the point that the 'universal service' part arrives, at which point I decided to make it my personal mission to crush this bug.

However, in the interests of completeness, I shall go and finish it now, and if you have not yet done so feel free to do the same.


Great. Though I confess I have very little to add. Oh, he talks about not starting wars you're not willing to finish (thus priming the pump for a truly bullheaded attempt to force the world's hands through arms) . Talks a lot about the military in fact, a lot of very militaristic messages including the penultimate admonition to go out and get a gun. But then, we already knew that was the sort of thing this sick fascist plant is about, don't we? Greed and violence, it's how they rule, after all, so those are the buttons they're trying to push.

Well, I've said my piece here. At this point you either agree with me or you don't but if you do, you no doubt want to crush this thing as badly as I do. So if you see this video get linked at another blog, link this essay, too. Or write your own denunciation (I'm sure you could find dozens of things to go after that I've left untouched), post it in the comments section of another blog or make it a blog-post yourself. Make video responses that expose this thing, tell your friends and family, get into the comment strings on youtube of anyone who's got this up as a favorite, do whatever it is you do or can do and if we all shout this thing down loudly enough, we might just be able to neutralize it. Sure, that's a lot of effort and maybe it seems silly to get worked up over a silly youtube video but ... I like silly. I'd prefer it stayed that way. And if we all just keep on laughing at it, it will.

That, my friends, is how the real Second Revolution will proceed. This is just one battle amongst many, but it's one we can win.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Dodging Bullets

Just a quick note. Two news items from the last little while caught my eye. One was the narrowly averted engineered bird flu pandemic, thanks to Baxter Pharmaceuticals' live virus enriched vaccine. The other was an asteroid that just barely missed the planet. I can't help but wonder if this isn't an example of as above, so below, for in both cases our world seems to have dodged a bullet.

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Mind Control Blues

My father returned home today. He was actually released from the hospital a week ago, but my parents used the excuse of the possible existence of black mold under the carpet to justify the cost of renovating the master bedroom to themselves, and he didn't want to come back until the hardwood flooring was down. I won't go into all the sordid details, which aren't really relevant to the topic at hand, except to say that he's making a full recovery from the potentially very lethal illness he'd contracted, a fact that should have made today an even happier day than it already should have been. You'll notice from the way I worded that, that today's homecoming was a less-than-joyful one.

Now I could get into all sorts of personal history and family issues, the vector sum of which might explain why the atmosphere around the dinner table was filled with silly arguments and pointless sniping instead of the good-humored laughter it should have been. I could, but that would bore you, wouldn't it? And in the end, I'm not really convinced that it would explain things.

It's been a rough week. The last couple of days in particular, it's felt like I'm trudging my way through the emotional equivalent of a swamp, with every moment seeming to suck at my soul. It's not that I'm especially worried about the global political economic situation: I am, but that's been the case for a while, and what's happening now I've seen coming for a couple of years or so. Nor is it that my personal circumstances have become particularly onerous. They are, in fact, unchanged, save that I've received a few encouraging signs regarding future prospects. If anything, you'd think I'd be in a slightly better mood than usual.

Not the case, though.

Funnily enough, I'm not the only one who seems to be going through this. Les Visible's going through an emotional crisis, for one, and a lot of the regulars in the comments section report the same. Su at easyidler - from what I've seen, normally a delightfully sunny soul - has been in a pretty dark place too, recently, if some of her recent comments and this are anything to go by. It's not just Su I've noticed this in, it's a lot of you, as well as a lot of people in my personal life; I mention her because the contrast between normal and lately seems so stark.

So just what the holy hell is going on here? Why is everyone having their thought centers pulled into the orbit of negative poles that fill them with self-doubt, self-hate, fear, lassitude and depression? Any one person and it's just that person, sure. You can point to whatever flaws mar their personality or problems that trouble their life, and say, see? Here lies the source. Fix this, and the problem is solved. At any rate, it is all this person's fault (or the fault of some other person in close relational proximity.)

But it seems to be far more than just a few of us feeling these things.

So maybe it's that something big's approaching, some sort of calamity that's causing a disturbance in the force that we're all perceiving ex post facto. That could well be the case, though I'm not sure I buy it. See, unlike a lot of you I don't really consider myself to be 'sensitive', in the subtle or esoteric sense. Oh, sure, I know anyone is, but my own sensitivity is as course as a callused bricklayer's thumb. I'd be fooling myself if I started thinking that maybe I was perceiving something like that. I'm just not that special.

Another thought comes to mind, however.

I presume you've heard of the High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program, HAARP. There's a lot of literature out there regarding its use as a weather control device, but what's not as well known (though it is most assuredly known) is its use as a weapon of mass mind control. In my opinion, this is its primary use. There's all sorts of interesting stuff out there on this: a quick google search turns up this, and this, oh yes, and this. I'm sure if you dig around a bit you're bound to turn up all sorts of fascinating tidbits. The important thing to keep in mind, however, is that the way HAARP is supposed to work is by, in essence, broadcasting certain emotional states to people whilst simultaneously hindering rational thought. This makes it the perfect complement to TV, for while TV tends to fuzz out the emotions and implant ideas, HAARP fuzzes out the ideas and plants emotions. Together its an unbeatable one-two punch and the hope, no doubt, is that it will keep Them Alive into the indefinite future.

It occurs to me that we may all be under psychic assault by HAARP. No doubt there is something nasty coming down the pike, but if you really wanted to boost its impact what better way than by preparing the ground, as it were? It's one thing to nuke Denver, quite another to drop that Bomb when most of the world's population is already grappling with dark emotions and feeling their social ties fray as those around them struggle against the same invisible and unacknowledged foe.

Maybe I'm wrong about this. There's really no way of knowing for sure, not at this point in time. But it's something to keep in mind, and if it's true, well ... just knowing it might help to fight it.

Friday, March 6, 2009

DS & NT: Just Another Night in the Burbs

Fair warning: this episode is pretty full-on. Slumming over at Best of the Fray left an ugly taste in my mouth, and it had to come out somehow.

At any rate, here it is, the latest Dreamscapes & Night Terrors: Just Another Night in the Burbs.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Recombinant Straw Falling on a Sick Camel's Back

Recently it's come to my attention (thanks, Randall!) that Monsanto, Cargill, and the rest of the nutritional vandal lobby have been pushing hard for the passage of three new food regulation bills that will, in essence, turn America's growing legions of organic farmers into unwilling indentured servants of the agricorps. The bills are up for vote soon, violating Obama's campaign promise to allow lots of time for the review of legislation before bringing it to vote, but one more violated promise? That's already getting old, and he's barely over a month in the Oval Office.

Phew! I thought. Thank God I'm in Canada. I'll just have to be especially careful in the future to avoid any and all American produce, as if those bills get passed every last vegetable will be sprayed with biocidal chemicals and every last cow will be force-fed antiobiotics. Well, that was pretty much true of anything the US has been exporting for a while anyways, and with full knowledge of that I've been avoiding American agricultural exports like the plague they are for some time now. So, really, for me, those bills don't change anything. Living in Canada doesn't mean I'm home free, but it does buy me some time, right?

Well ... maybe not so much as I thought.

Monsanto's been on the warpath in Canada, too. Here's one venerable old farmer's story, mostly a familiar tale of disingeuous accusations and insane high court rulings until, near the end, he drops the following bomb:
But I think the greatest curse is still coming. And that's coming in the line of prescription drug plants or 'pharma-plants'. There are six major drugs that are now being produced by genetically modified plants: vaccines, industrial enzymes, blood thinners, blood clotting proteins, growth hormones and contraceptives. What if somebody has had major surgery and they then eat food that is contaminated with genes from a plant manufactured to be a blood thinner? Or what about a pregnant woman who eats food contaminated by genes from a plant that is manufactured as a contraceptive? Remember, there is no such thing as containment or co-existence.
Contraceptives in food? My blood ran cold when I read that, and I'm hoping that wasn't some heathen mixture of blood clotters and blood thinners from last night's broccoli. The first image that came to mind was watching five, ten years down the line as my beautiful wife suddenly miscarries after eating the wrong tomato and hemorrhage's to death in the process due to an impurity in the wheat germ that was used to make her sandwich.

I'd love to chalk all this up to the short-sighted obsession with quarterly profits of a few amoral suit-wearing psychopaths. It would almost be comforting. Sure, they're throwing monkey-wrenches into the biosphere that will carome around in the gene pool for eons to come, but that's just because they're clumsy, stupid, and misguided, right?

Sure. Except then you read something like the following:
Deerfield, Illinois-based pharmaceutical company Baxter International Inc. has just been caught shipping live avian flu viruses mixed with vaccine material to medical distributors in 18 countries. The "mistake" (if you can call it that, see below...) was discovered by the National Microbiology Laboratory in Canada. The World Health Organization was alerted and panic spread throughout the vaccine community as health experts asked the obvious question: How could this have happened?
This incident was not and could not have been accidental. Read the article to find out why. Whether Baxter's motivation was merely a venal lust for profit, or whether it was part of a larger, darker aim is a determination I'll leave for the reader to make.

This is getting serious. Whether our adversaries are too stupid to be trusted with power and wealth, or simply too evil, is almost immaterial. The Enemy is making their moves, fast and furious; and while the mad caperings of the men behind the curtain are revealing their presence to more people every day it's not clear that matters. Certainly they don't think so, or they wouldn't be getting so blatant about it. They've softened us up for the kill in every conceivable way: our bodies poisoned by toxic food and adulterated water, minds dulled with pharmaceuticals entrained by mass media, communities atomized by economic exploitation at every level. We lie prostrate before them, and like a pack of wild hyenas they're circling in for the kill.

So, do we just stay on our backs and get eaten? Or....

Sunday, March 1, 2009


Anyone who's seen Benjamin Stewart's Esoteric Agenda - and, for that matter, anyone who hasn't and is merely interested in taking an hour and a bit to expand their mind with some interesting ideas - might be intrigued to find out that a sequel has hit the intertubes. I present to you, Kymatica:

If you haven't seen Esoteric Agenda, don't worry, it's no more necessary for viewing the 'sequel' than it is to see Zeitgeist before Zeitgeist: Addendum. That said, it's an excellent documentary, and well worth your time.